

vocaliod-P: The Only One Who Can Awaken the Music Inside of You is You!

vocaliod-P holding his trademark Yamaha guitar



The Vocaloid Veteran vocaliod-P! 12-years of Making Music, with Over 70 Uploads



On a gray, cloudy day without a shred of cheeriness, we were filled with anticipation as we waited for one man in the gently falling rain. His name: vocaliod-P, the vocaloid veteran who has uploaded over 70 songs to his Nico Nico Videos account over his 12 year career. 






No, it’s not “Vocaloid-P”. His name really is vocaliod-P. We didn’t type it wrong. Well, a mistake was made, but we didn’t make it. Let me explain.




Don’t Be Afraid of Making a Typo in Front of the Whole World!


vocaliod-P working with the music producing software SONAR



When we asked him about his name, vocaliod-P said, 



“I think it was when I uploaded my second song to Nico Nico Videos. I meant to use the hashtag ‘#Vocaloid’ to make it easy to search for, but I accidentally wrote ‘#Vocaliod’. At that time there was a trend on Nico Nico for viewers to give uploaders names that ended with ‘P’. They’d guess what kind of person you are based on your videos and music and say things like, ‘You’re (something something) P!’ Then somebody pointed out that I had misspelled the hashtag, and I was immediately dubbed ‘vocaliod-P’.”



Just by mixing up the “i” and “o” in “vocaloid”, he ended up being called “vocaliod-P” for over 10 years. Even vocaliod-P himself hadn’t imagined something like that would happen!



“At first I was kind of in a panic. After I uploaded my second song I opened Nico Nico on my phone to see lots of comments asking me to add the “vocaliod-P” tag to my videos…so I guess it had already been decided. I had initially intended to make my artist name a pun on my real name, but now I’m glad I got this name. Although on one hand my overseas listeners still mix it up with “vocaloid” (laughs).”





The First Ever “Behind the Music”?!


A figure of Hatsune Miku from the “1/6″ music video, which stands in vocaliod-P’s studio



If you’ve heard any of vocaliod-P’s music, you’ll probably recognize one song that’s his most famous. If you close your eyes and listen to it, it’s like flying out into space. You can see the twinkling stars and the moon floating high up above. It’s vocaliod-P’s most representative piece, which has been performed numerous times at Hatsune Miku’s Magical Mirai festival: “1/6 -out of the gravity-”.



We love this song too. Everyone feels something different when they hear it, but for us…we love how it has such a polite, distant gentleness that puts our hearts at ease. The number of views of “1/6 -out of the gravity-” on Nico Nico Videos is over 1.3 million. Pretty much every vocaloid fan has probably heard this song at least once. So what’s the story behind it?



“It’s a secret (laughs). Would anything good come of me telling you what the song is about? You’d probably just be like, ‘Oh, that’s what it means!’ But I think there must be people out there who find meaning in the lyrics and feel touched by that meaning. If I tell you what the song is supposed to mean, people will think that’s the only right way to think about it. I don’t mind if my songs make people feel differently. I want them all to think they’re right, so I won’t say anything about the secrets behind it.”



Of course! Everyone is different, and each and every person has valid experiences of the song. That special something in “1/6 -out of the gravity-” is what cheers people up. Rather than being a one-time addiction, the song has been able to be a form of therapy that helps ease each and every listener’s individual troubles, which is why it is something we can still listen to more than ten years later. 



Well, we gave up on hearing the secrets behind “1/6 -out of the gravity-”, but we still wanted some kind of insider scoop, so we selfishly continued to ask for something, making poor vocaliod-P increasingly uncomfortable, until finally we came up with a great idea. vocaliod-P is also a guitarist! Maybe he could play “1/6″ for us on the guitar!



“What? Ahh, no way. I haven’t really played the guitar recently. I can’t…please stop looking at me with those puppy dog eyes…”



And so in the end we managed to guilt him into playing the intro to “1/6 -out of the gravity-” on his guitar for us! 







How Has vocaliod-P Maintained Such a Long Career?


The albums that vocaliod-P has released since his debut



Since his first video 12 years ago, vocaliod-P has continued uploading music to Nico Nico Videos multiple times per year and has released numerous CDs. At the same time, he’s composed music for idol groups and even been tasked with creating a manga image song. We wanted to know what kept him in the business while other vocaloid artists tended to give up. 



“After I uploaded my first song to Nico Nico Videos, a lot of people listened to ‘1/6 -out of the gravity-’ and I made a lot of vocaloid friends. Naturally, people’s lives can change in 10 years, and their interests switch to other things. I used to feel sad when a vocaloid artist that I was close to quit working on their music, but now I’m starting to think I’m the weird one for doing it for so long (laughs). I wish I could say it was because of something cool, like, ‘As long as one person is still listening, I’ll still make music’, but the reality is that I still have a lot of songs in me that want to come out. I’m the only one who can make my songs, and more than anything I want to hear them, so that’s why I keep going.”



It might be human nature for us to set a standard of success for ourselves, and to stop once we get to that point. The fact that he can so easily clear thoughts like that away might be one of vocaliod-P’s greatest strengths. 



Lastly, vocaliod-P had a message for those who are thinking of making their own music.



“Just start with one song! Even if it’s distorted or whatever. Once you make it it will be your first success!!”



We have a special announcement from vocaliod-P! If you’re on Twitter or Facebook, you won’t want to miss this. 



You could be one of three people to win a signed copy of vocaliod-P’s latest release!! Here’s how to enter:

※Accepted until 12:00 am on May 23


On Twitter: Follow @doujinworld and retweet this article. Then, send a DM to @doujinworld saying, “I want a vocaliod-P present!”



On Facebook: Like our Doujinworld page and like and share the post linking this article. Then, send a message to the page saying “I want a vocaliod-P present!”



**If you do both, you’ll get double the entries! 

You do not need to be in Japan to enter. 



Winners will be notified via Twitter DM or Facebook Messaging. 


vocaliod-P signing his autograph on a CD






Twitter: https://twitter.com/vocaliod_P



YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/VOCALIODP



Nico Nico Videos: https://www.nicovideo.jp/mylist/6667938





Shiro Sato


Dale Roll

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